BYTE: Building Young Tech Entrepreneurs
BYTE, the home organization for B.S. Information Technology Entrepreneurship, is an independent organization under LIONS.
B.S. Information Technology Entrepreneurship (BS ITE) is a course under Ateneo de Manila University’s School of Management that brings together business management and entrepreneurial principles, and information and communications technology to help students create start-up ventures that are successful and relevant in a tech-centered business world.
The course aims to integrate three main skillsets:
- Hacker, which focuses on the technological back-end aspects of creating an I.T. business;
- Hipster, which focuses on graphical user interfaces and the front-end of website or app start-ups;
- Hustler, which focuses on the entrepreneurial, management aspect of these businesses.
BYTE envisions itself as a network that incorporates the technological and entrepreneurial aspects of the course to help young entrepreneurs develop the “3 H’s” in an inclusive, enriching environment. Our mission is to help our members create innovative and relevant I.T. solutions, and to promote tech entrepreneurship as a method of nation-building to the youth in and outside of the Ateneo de Manila University.